
We don't currently have a clear shared understanding of how digital and technology can be contributing to reducing carbon emissions and meeting that net zero aim so part of what we've been doing is looking at what is good

We don't think public servants in wales have got the right support to be implementing that best practice.

Ideas for designing net zero digital services

  1. Ask about the consequences
  2. Understand the carbon footprint of your digital service
  3. Be transparent with your users
  4. Audit and refine the components of your digital service
  5. Extend your accessibility principles
  6. Translate good UX design for the environment
  7. Scrutinise your web hosting
  8. Align strategic requirements with sustainability considerations
  9. Build internal system-thinking skills
  10. Co-create solutions for developing net zero digital services

In a webinar in June 2022, called 'Understanding the link between tech, digital and the environment',  we expanded on these 10 ideas.

Watch the webinar

Case studies