Take part in research to improve public sector services

The Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) needs your help to improve websites and services for organisations in the Welsh public sector.

We help to design services by conducting research with the people who need to use them, to make sure they are accessible and inclusive for everyone.

To do this, we need people to join our research panel.


To sign up to the research panel and help, you must:

• be 18 years or older

• live, work or regularly use public services in Wales

• be prepared to take part in research with us

What to expect 

You might be asked to:

• take part in an interview

• show us how you use a particular part of a website

• test and give feedback on a new design or idea

Our research panel lets us contact people quickly and easily for research studies and lets you have a say in how public services are designed in Wales.

Join the research panel