
There is no direct comparison period as CDPS is a relatively new organisation, and this is our first year of reporting.

Whilst CDPS is not required to report on our gender pay gap, we believe it is important to work in the open and work to promote inclusivity in all aspects.

We confirm that the gender pay gap data contained in this report is accurate and has been produced in accordance with the guidance issued on GOV.UK.

The purpose of the gender pay gap is not to highlight any imbalance in equality of pay for equal roles but to provide a comparison of the balance between males and females within our internal pay grade structure.

This report highlights that our gender pay gap is -20.68%.

As an organisation, we are pleased that our figures are well below the UK-wide average of 8.3% in 2021/22 but acknowledge that we need to maintain a balance in the future.

Our staff

The total number of people employed in March 2022 was seven, with 71% female staff.

When reviewing the quartile ratios, females occupy 100% of the highest-paid jobs, 100% of the lowest-paid jobs and 50% of the lower to middle-paid jobs.


As an organisation we appoint on merit and focus on aptitude and skills required to perform the role.

We ensure that our recruitment processes remove unfair bias. We use structured interviews, sharing questions with candidates seven days prior to interview, and a gender-split panel to ensure candidates can maximise their performance.

During our recruitment process, we recognise the diverse needs of the various workforce members, and our fundamental principles are to ensure that equality, diversity, and inclusion are embedded throughout CDPS.

Average pay gap

The mean pay gap is calculated by adding up the hourly pay of all the women in an organisation and dividing by the number of women, doing the same sum for the men, then comparing the two figures.

GenderMean hourly pay

Males’ mean wage is 20.68% lower than females’.

The median pay gap is calculated by finding the exact middle point between the lowest and highest-paid female in an organisation and the lowest and highest-paid male, then comparing the two figures to calculate the difference in salaries.

GenderMedian hourly pay

Males’ median wage is 28.2% lower than females’.

Pay quartiles

The high percentage of female-to-male staff distorts the quartile-to-quartile comparison.

The ratio of staff females to males is 5:2 for the company. As an organisation, however, females occupy 100% of the highest-paid jobs, 100% of the lowest-paid jobs and 50% of the lower to middle-paid jobs.

Table showing pay quartiles (%) March 2022:

Upper middle5050
Lower middle5050
Lower quartile1000