Project aims

The Welsh Language Commissioner’s strategic plan has set a priority to ensure that organisations do more to promote the opportunities they provide to use the Welsh language. This is in line with the Welsh Government strategy, Cymraeg 2050, who’s aim is to increase the range of Welsh language services offered to the public in Wales and increase the use of those services.  

CDPS has partnered with organisations to help them create bilingual content, which aims to create a better experience for users of their services.

Making a difference

Traditional translation processes often means that when English language content is approved, it is passed to a translator to create the Welsh language version. This approach doesn’t always give the same prominence to the translated version.  

Trio writing aims to bring translators into the content creation process from the start and allow for Welsh language expertise, content expertise and subject matter expertise to be applied to two languages. It’s a process shared in the trio writing book published by CDPS. 

This means the content is more user-centred in its respective language and has considered the nuances and rules for those languages.  


The following organisations have agreed to pilot trio writing sessions, facilitated and led by CDPS:

  • Natural Resources Wales 
  • Cadw
  • Swansea University

A summary of the work so far

After identifying organisations that may benefit from trying a new approach to creating bilingual content, we held initial discovery calls with them. 

Following this, we offered a presentation on trio writing which gave more details on the process, who should be involved, what content to test using trio writing on and the benefits of the process. 

Once partners commit to the pilot project, we schedule three trio writing sessions. On their side, they provide a translator and subject expert. A CDPS content designer is the third role to be involved. 

Trio writing sessions will be recorded and after they take place, our user researcher will speak to the partners about the process. From our interviews we will be able to understand their current process for creating bilingual content, how they found trio writing and if they would be confident doing more trio writing within their organisation.