“This experience has given us the confidence to pilot our own Agile service team made up entirely of Welsh Revenue Authority people.”
Neil Butt, Chief People and Communications Officer, Welsh Revenue Authority

We work with public sector organisations that share our ambition to make sustainable change to services in Wales.

For example, Welsh Government, local authorities, health boards and other Welsh Government-funded organisations.

Digital Service Standards for Wales

As a partner, you will work with us to meet the Digital Service Standards for Wales.

This means:

  • working in the open, sharing our learnings
  • meeting the needs of the people using your services, as well as the goals of your organisation
  • being agile, always looking for ways to improve and learn so we grow together

What you will get

Work with us to get our Wales-wide experience across the public sector.

We will help you:

  • focus on the needs of the people who use your services
  • understand what the standards mean for your organisation
  • increase your digital capacity with tailored support
  • develop digital skills and confidence to work in an Agile way
  • collaborate to get better, quicker results

Our approach

Lasting change comes from working together. We want to build the confidence of our partners to do things differently, adopting modern methods right across their services.

We have a permanent skilled team with experience in delivery, service design, product, user research, content design and interaction design and a team of communications experts who can help you talk about what you're doing and learning.

All incoming requests are discussed at our leadership team meetings and if we can help, we will work with you to discuss outcomes, timescales, budget, and expectations. Senior buy-in will be needed from your organisation and we'll draft a partnership agreement with you which clearly outlines who is doing what.

If we can’t support you with your specific request, we may be able to help in other ways such as offering an alternative perspective, offer to mentor you or your team, or provide support through our training programme or communities of practice.