We’re working with Yolk Recruitment to support public sector organisations here in Wales to fill critical digital, data, and technology (DDaT) roles. Public sector organisations will also be able to get support and specialist advice from Yolk. 

The benefits 

Having the right talent in place is essential to delivering modern public services that meet the evolving needs of users in areas such as local government, education and health. 

With a potential value of £15 million over 3 years, this strategic partnership can greatly impact the Welsh public sector. Our goal is to expand the pool of talented people who have the right digital skills. This will make sure that we are able to deliver public services that are user-centred and accessible to everyone in a way that meets their needs.   

Introducing Yolk Recruitment 

Yolk Recruitment has a wealth of experience. They have successfully worked with clients from across the UK and have a dedicated public sector team.  

In our search for a partner, it was important for us to find a company that was committed to meeting net zero goals by 2030 and one that shares our equality, diversity, and inclusion values. Yolk Recruitment proved to be a perfect match on both fronts.  

The challenges 

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional business practices. We’ve all experienced the increased need for technology solutions and data-driven approaches.  

Public sector organisations are no different and there is undoubtedly more awareness around the power of digital tools to improve customer services and the value of professionals who can effectively use them. However, attracting digital and technology talent from the private sector is still a significant challenge. 

Yolk Recruitment is well-equipped to address these challenges. Their understanding of the local market and extensive network of industry contacts positions them perfectly to help us and our colleagues in the sector find the right talent to fill these roles.  

Get involved 

I am looking forward to seeing the positive impact our work with Yolk is set to have on the Welsh public sector. 

If you are a colleague from the public sector who wants to learn more or to access the service, please get in touch with us by email: michael.moore@digitalpublicservices.gov.wales