Register for Data science series: Using Companies House data to investigate group relief at the WRA

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12pm 20 November 2024

The Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) is responsible for collecting and managing Land Transaction Tax (LTT) in Wales. Under LTT legislation the tax due on a transaction can be subject to relief if the land or property being transferred is solely between companies within a well-defined group structure. 

In this webinar, Rhys Williams, WRA Data Scientist, will provide an overview of how checks are put in place to ensure group relief is being correctly applied. This will include:   

  • A summary of the pipeline to identify potentially risky transactions focusing on data processing, linking and network analysis 
  • The cloud infrastructure and tech stack involved (Azure Databricks with a mix of SQL and python) and how this helps to ensure the analysis is automated and repeatable 
  • A short introduction to Azure dev-ops pipelines for deployment of a final streamlit solution for operational colleagues to consume across WRA 

Finally, Rhys will discuss the limitations of the current approach and how they can improve in the future. 

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