
A Wales where standards make it easier to design better digital public services. 

We want to support teams and organisations to apply the Digital Service Standards for Wales, to make their digital services better.   

We have set up a standards working group to seek out, collate and facilitate the adoption of other existing good practice, guidance and standards from across other sectors, countries and government departments, making them relevant to Wales by providing additional context or advice.  

We will advocate for Welsh priorities in relevant UK legislation and regulation consultations. 

What are we trying to achieve?

We know from our research that teams who are building public services want specific information, guidance or resources on how to apply and meet each standard. 

To support this, we’re focussing on 2 main areas:  

1. Service manual 

A manual where users can get practical advice and guidance on how to apply and meet the Digital Service Standards for Wales. 

2. Service standards reviews 

Workshops that aim to help teams and organisations better understand the Digital Service Standards, see where they can make improvements and what they’re already doing well. We're keen to do these workshops with you, so get in touch if you want us to facilitate a service standard review.  

We’ve made the workshop materials available in both Welsh and English if you want to have a go at facilitating yourself or with your team.

If you’d like information on any of the above, email us at