We continued to hold workshops to help teams and organisations better understand the Digital Service Standards for Wales, where we go through each of the standards one by one and discuss what’s going well and what could be improved.

At the end of the workshop, teams will have areas to focus on and be able to highlight the things they’re doing well and should celebrate.

We also made the workshop materials available in both Welsh and English if teams want to have a go at facilitating themselves.


We completed 4 external service standards reviews with Natural Resources Wales, Social Care Wales, and Transport for Wales as well as 1 internal service standard review with our operations team.

Participants found the reviews a positive and useful experience.

Hear from our partners

“It identified some gaps in our working to think about.”

“We recognised how much we have done that are linked with the service standards.”

“It got people open and honestly discussing where we're at.”

Next steps

Over the next year, we will explore what the next phase of the service standards reviews looks like and explore our wider offering to enable more people to complete the workshop.

We have 2 more external reviews planned over the next couple of months. Email standards@digitalpublicservices.gov.wales if you are interested in attending one of our reviews.

Read more

Reviewing your service against the Digital Service Standards

How it meets our objectives

CDPS’s objectives:

Objective 1: Supporting the leadership and culture amongst public service leaders to drive good digital policy making and support digital transformation.

Objective 2: Support others to ensure that people can access digital public services by helping them create services that are designed around user needs.

Objective 5: Continuing to promote shared use of the technologies and create and embed common and shared standards in digital, data and technology.

The Five Ways of Working – Well-being of Future Generations Act

  • Long-term
  • Integration
  • Involvement
  • Collaboration
  • Prevention

7 well-being goals – Well-being of Future Generations Act

  • A prosperous Wales
  • A more equal Wales
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • A globally responsible Wales