We continued to hold online and in-person events on a variety of topics as well as being invited to high-profile external events aimed at the public sector in Wales.


Over the last 12 months, we attended and delivered sessions at Digital Leaders Week, GovCamp Cymru, National Eisteddfod of Wales, Wales Tech Week and Comms Cymru.

We also attended events hosted by other arm’s length bodies and public sector organisations including conferences at Audit Wales, Welsh Local Government Association, Community Housing Cymru, Digital Health and Care Wales’ digital summit and Procurex.

We also held our own events including Dolenni Digidol (an in-person event for senior leaders held at locations in south, west and north Wales) which had a total of 54 attendees.

At our event in north Wales, in November, we had 34 attendees for ‘AI in public services: evening with Deborah Morgan from The Alan Turing Institute’. Sectors included Bangor University, National Museum of Wales, Transport for Wales, Natural Resources Wales, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Cyngor Gwynedd, Isle of Anglesey County Council, Conwy County Borough Council, and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales.

At our event in Cardiff in March, we had 20 attendees for ‘Future proofing public services – evening with Future Generations Commissioner, Derek Walker’. We had attendees from Cardiff Council, Neath Port Talbot Council, Cardiff Capital Region, Welsh Government, Institute of Welsh Affairs, Careers Wales, Bridgend College, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Welsh Revenue Authority, British Heart Foundation, Co-production Network for Wales and ProMo-Cymru.

We also hosted a panel led webinar on digital sustainability, as part of our work to raise awareness on net zero. We had 53 attendees but have since had 436 views on the YouTube video. Unlike our other webinars, this webinar had a high turn-out of private sector and UK Government attendees.

Next steps

In July 2024, we’ll be heading to west Wales for our next Dolenni Digidol, extending invitations to senior leaders in public service delivery across the Swansea Bay City Region. We’re committed to hosting these regional networking events for senior leaders across Wales every other month over the next 12 months. Our objective with these events is to create an environment where leaders can connect, discuss shared challenges, exchange best practices, and pinpoint opportunities for collaboration. Dolenni Digidol will also be closely integrated with our new ‘Campws Digidol – Leading modern public services’ training programme, starting this autumn.

How it meets our objectives

CDPS’s objectives:

Objective 1: Supporting the leadership and culture amongst public service leaders to drive good digital policy making and support digital transformation.

Objective 6: Actions to help business in Wales better meet the digital transformation needs of public services.

The Five Ways of Working – Well-being of Future Generations Act

  • Integration
  • Involvement
  • Collaboration

7 well-being goals – Well-being of Future Generations Act

  • A more equal Wales
  • A Wales of more cohesive communities
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language