1. Introduction

Digital Services for Patients and Public (DSPP) asked the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) to run a 12-week discovery project. 

The project’s aim was to carry out research to understand what DSPP should consider when developing public-facing digital services to improve primary care so that they: 

  • support user needs and accessibility 

  • support national policies and strategies 

  • have the flexibility to adapt to future developments in models of care 

Note: by ‘primary care,’ we mean services that provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the ‘front door’ of the NHS. Primary care includes general practice as well as community pharmacy, dental, and optometry (eye health) services. 

This is a summary of the full report provided to DSPP. It has been edited to make it more concise and to remove any information that could identify those that participated in the research.